How does your PTO raise money?

We directly ask. Our impactful and effective Annual Fund is our largest source of income by a landslide. Your generosity on this front is the primary engine that drives your PTO. Thank you! 


Our next largest income source is the Burns Park Run - a legendary community event - which we hope all of you will attend and support by inviting friends and guests. 


We also earn income through tickets sales at our beloved Burns Park Elementary Ice Cream Social.


Lastly - and a very simple way for you to contribute - is through the non-profit community rewards programs listed below. Please think of your PTO every time you go shopping; it's an easy and fun way to raise money for your Burns Park Elementary PTO. Please sign-up if you haven't already! 


Kroger Community Rewards Simply login to your Kroger shopper’s account at and select “BURNS PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL” (Organization JN255) from the list of participating organizations.


Busch's Cash for Education To enroll in Cash for Education, log into your MYWAY* account at and select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu underneath your name.  Choose “BURNS PARK ELEMENTARY PTO” (choosing the student you’re supporting is optional).


Arbor Farms There is no need to sign up or enroll in any programs at Arbor Farms, and your PTO will receive 3% of all of your purchases!  Before you check out, simply tell the cashier you want to designate "Burns Park Elementary School" OR "Customer 58" to receive your donation.


 For details on where your donations help at Burns Park Elementary, please click here.





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