How can I help?

Using a favorite definition of philanthropy, you can give your Treasure, Time and Talent. 


Treasure: This one is obvious. Support our Annual Fund. We recommend at least $100 per child attending Burns Park Elementary School along with any additional money you can generously provide to support more students. Our school community is reflective of Washtenaw County as a whole where 19.5% of children live in poverty.   


Time: There are so many ways you can give your time to your school community! In addition, it’s important to know that there are certain events that no matter how much money we raise we simply can not do without good ‘ol people power. 


Attend PTO Meetings This is your opportunity to hear from our Principal and our Staff and, if you’d like to stick around (or have an affinity for Roger’s Rules), this is your chance to have a vote or have a deeper understanding of what you PTO is working on. Free childcare is always provided. 


Volunteer Explore our volunteer page to see all of the ways you can volunteer school-wide and specifically for your child’s class. If links aren’t live yet then the volunteer ask will be coming later and/or closer to the actual event. 


Chair a committee or help run an event 


Talent:  Is there something that you’re especially good at that you think could be of help to our organization, school or school community? PLEASE reach out to your PTO and share your gifts, talents or interests. The PTO will make a note and keep you in mind for future endeavors. Examples include but are not at all limited to: Website work, Gardening, Landscaping, Accounting and Event Planning.  







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