Why have a PTO?

Financially, a PTO bridges a gap between what funding is actually available and what funding a community would want available in order to create the exceptional, enriching, inclusive, interesting and fun school community that is desired. 


We all want our children to enjoy school and we all - children and adults alike - want to be a part of a supportive and encouraging community. We’re fortunate to live in a place that walks the walk on trying to provide the best school and community experience for all of us. Communities without a PTO must rely on the heroic acts of passionate parents who take on a myriad of one-off needs and eventually burn out. 


Your PTO is a group of volunteer parents working to provide an infrastructure that maximizes the positive impact of your time, treasure and talent. It takes years of working closely with administrators, teachers, students and families to create the unique school community that sets Burns Park apart. 


Like parenting, the work is never done. Every year we respond to new challenges by bringing whatever positive energy, ideas, time, and money we can muster. When we all commit to making our school community better we are also committing to create the best life for our kids and our families that we can. Thanks in advance for bringing your precious time, energy and resources to this work.





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