Thanks so much for signing up to be a Room Parent. Please find Room Parent resources below. This page will be updated regularly with information that will be helpful for Room Parents. If you have any questions, please reach out to


A few helpful ideas to get you started:


  • Identify one parent to be the primary contact with your teacher and get in touch with your teacher soon to learn about their needs.
  • If there is a Room Parent committee for your class, try to get together soon and divide up responsibilities.
  • If you are a solo Room Parent, recruit other parents to help you.


Room Parent Resources


  1. Room Parent Responsibilities: This is a list of core responsibilities and some optional ideas for room parents.
  2. BPE Sign Up Genius: Please use this for all classroom sign ups and add them to your classroom tab. This will make it easier for families to find volunteer opportunities.
  3. School Messenger: Please use this to communicate with the class. This will be the most up to date class list and includes new kids enrolled in the school.
  4. Room Parent Contact List (2024-2025 Version): Please use this list to contact Room Parents and coordinate class-wide activities.
  5. Party ideas: Check out BPE parent party ideas for inspiration and add some of your own inspiration. If you have other ideas to add please email We would be happy to add.





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